by admin | Oct 31, 2015 | National Politics
Under President Obama’s leadership, America: Is the Number One Wind Power producing Country in the World Is creating more jobs than at any other time since 1999 Reduced unemployment to levels before the financial crisis Has become the Worlds number One admin | Oct 31, 2015 | National Politics
Donald Trump stated that he would temporarily stop muslims from entering this country until the country can decide an approach for making the country safe. This is racist, flies in the face of American values and is illegal. What should happen to politicians who admin | Oct 31, 2015 | National Politics
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur are adipiscing elit. in risus a massa aliquet euismod. Integer suscipit luctus bibendum. Maecenas interdumby admin | Oct 31, 2015 | National Politics
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur are adipiscing elit. in risus a massa aliquet euismod. Integer suscipit luctus bibendum. Maecenas interdum
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